FROM THE CMI DIRECTOR American Public Media’s Classical Music Initiative has been completed with a great deal of success! Over the past three years, we engaged hundreds of you in training, pilot production and thinking of new ways to engage in radio and new media. The CMI Production Fund is closed, but we encourage you to download Classical Radio 101, a guide to today's classical music radio universe, and a primer on how radio is made, as a great resource for developing your own ideas. One important outgrowth of the Classical Music Initiative was the identification of the need for leadership in helping music professionals and media professionals work together more closely. As a result, we held the first Music & Media Forum in New York City on January 19 and 20, 2006. Please feel free to click around this site for some valuable information, including Terry Teachout’s key note presentation, a presentation from Tod Machover on his work, presentations and our first working paper from the convenings held in the summer of 2003. While the Initiative has been completed, we are hopeful that the original intent of the project will continue with each of you. As NEA Director of Media, Ted Libbey said so eloquently "Radio should furnish the soil in which a love of music can grow."
WELCOME TO CMI Welcome to the Classical Music Initiative and to the next generation of classical music programming on the radio. Thanks to a significant grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and others, American Public Media will make a substantial investment in new program strategies and new talent for the production of classical music on the radio and related technologies. We will use the best of 21st century media to capture and convey the vigor and vitality of classical music to 21st century audiences. Join us!
What is CMI? A production workshop to develop the talents of the next generation of classical music producers. Building consensus by bringing together classical music and media professionals to inform and build the initiative. Working papers, such as CLASSICAL RADIO 101, a guide to today's classical music radio universe, and a primer on how radio is made. Plus partnership ideas and tips National distribution of new content to build, stimulate and broaden audiences for classical music. Why are we doing this? Who is CMI? And as this is a challenge grant, American Public Media is seeking funding partners to help expand the reach and effectiveness of CMI. Thanks for spreading the word about the Initiative.